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Triple Pane or Double Pane Windows?

April 27, 2021

When shopping for windows you will have the option of triple or double pane windows. Being located in the North Central/Northern region of the United States, Energy Star will require a .27 or .30 U-factor for their qualification. At Energy Windows, Doors & More our products range from a .30 to a .15 U-factor depending on your double or triple pane glass package for the vinyl or composite window you select. 

There will be more of an upfront cost when selecting a triple pane glass package, however, reflecting up to 97% of energy from entering your home will provide you with a substantial difference in your heating costs. Our triple pane windows have a Low-E coating and multiple fills of Argon or Krypton Gas depending on which product you select. Our customers have also noticed a difference as far as noise level when having our triple pane products installed in their home.

Double pane windows are still a good option when replacing your windows. Being located in not the harshest of climates this is still a great option and will provide you with many added benefits when replacing your old windows. The question for you, the homeowner, is; how energy efficient do you want your home? Do not let a salesperson sway you one way or another because ultimately, the decision is solely up to you on how energy efficient you would like to go with your windows. It is your home and you will be the one paying the heating and cooling bills. 

To summarize, triple pane and double pane replacement windows are both great options and here at Energy Windows, Doors & More we are here to explore both of those options with you.

Call 1-484-645-6331 today to book your free in home consultation to help you make an educated decision on whether to select double or triple pane windows.

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